My boss once told me: " If it is not embarrassing then it is not a fun fact". Let me embarrass myself publicly.
1. I often take off my clothes when going to the toilet.
2. I get horny when I am stressed during exams especially when I run out of time.
3. I sleep naked.
4. I hate pineapples on pizza.
5. I kissed a cute stranger that I met on a airplane and I still don't know his name until now.
6. I used to be scared of smokers and drinkers.
7. I used to be a Muslim because my dad forced me.
8. I used to be afraid of the ocean but I will be going to class while sailing the sea next Spring ( SAS'19).
PS: My friends call me Soph.
It is your turn now!!!! Please comment your most embarrassing fun fact below.